1. PREAMBLE:- All India Retired Railwaymen’s Federation represents all categories, groups and classes of all India Railway Pensioners, Family Pensioners and employees retired under SRPF system and ex-gratia Recipients with a view to promote the general welfare and to help them in all possible ways. Active members will be encouraged to utilize their time and experience in social work to help the needy persons in all walks of life.

2. The Registered Office of the Federation shall be situated where the President resides.

  • To promote General Welfare of Railway Pensioners, Family Pensioners, employees retired under the SRPF Rules (Contributory Scheme) & ex-gratia recipients.

  • To promote such measures as may be conducive to material benefits of members of the Federation and Railway Pensioners in general.

  • To take such steps which may be necessary to help pensioners to redress their grievances and complaints relating to their retirement benefits.

  • To publish books, periodicals and useful literature of interest to members.

  • To organize social personal service to the well being of members and establish holiday homes, hostels with facilities of boarding and lodging and recreation etc. for the benefit of the members.

  • To affiliate itself with international organization and associations in India with similar aims and objects provided identity of the AIRRF remains intact.


  • Year means the “Financial year”.

  • Railway Employees who retired from the Indian Railways or Railways owned by the Government of India under pension scheme. It includes Family Pensioners and ex-gratia recipients also.

  • Affiliated Association of Railways pensioners/family pensioners/ex-gratia recipients/SRPF retirees are referred to as member of the Federation in these bye-laws.

  • Affiliated Associations and branches of the Federation are synonymous wherever used in these bye-laws.

    • The membership of the Federation shall consist of affiliated Associations of Railway pensioners/family pensioners/ex-gratia recipients/SRPF retirees.
    • Individual Pensioners/Family Pensioners/ex-gratia recipients/SRPF retirees will not be direct members of the Federation.

  • The Executive Committee may nominate its former members of the committee of the Federation and prominent citizens as “Honorary Patrons” of the Federation.

  • “Honorary Patrons” and existing “Paying Patrons” shall not have voting rights in the meeting of the Federation, but they shall be invited for all general body meetings of the Federation in which they can participate in discussions.

  • Any association of Retired Railwaymen and other Central Government Pensioners Organization in which were Railway Pensioners are Members will be admitted as a member of the Federation with the consent of the Executive Body. Such Association shall contribute a subscription amount of Rs.500/- as affiliation fees annually to the Federation. The Association may keep their individual identity and status intact after affiliation, subject to general discipline and supervision of the Headquarters and follow the Branch Rules.

  • Any Affiliated Association which fails to pay the Affiliation fees before 31st March will lose its membership, but the decision shall rest with the Executive Committee which is authorized to review on appeal.

    • The affiliated association have the choice of having their associations in the present names indicating affiliation to AIRRF or as All India Retired Railwaymen’s Federation Branch x.y.x. Provided there are atleast 50 members and to be approved by the Executive Committee.
    • The name of the Railway Zone and the division in which the Association is located shall be indicated in the letter head.


The Federation shall be managed by:-

  • The General Body

  • General Council and

  • The Central Executive Committee


General Body of the Federation shall consist of:

  • Central Executive Members

  • President, Secretary of affiliated association

  • Zonal Presidents

  • Zonal Secretaries

  • Divisional Secretaries

  • Divl. Presidents

  • The meeting of the General Body shall be held every year within six months after the closing of the financial year as far as possible at different headquarters of the affiliated associations or any other convenient place.

  • It will be presided over by the President, in his absence by one of the Working Presidents and in absence of both by one of the Zonal Presidents elected for this purpose.

  • Quorum of the meeting shall be hundred or 1/3rd of the total membership on rolls on the last day of the financial year concerned whichever is less.

  • Agenda prepared for the meeting shall be through notice circulated to the Members 30 days before the date of meeting notifying the date, time and venue of the meeting.

  • If at the time fixed for the meeting quorum is not complete, the meeting shall stand adjourned for half an hour and thereafter the meeting will be proceeded with the same agenda at the same place.

  • Decision in the meeting shall be taken by the simple majority of the votes of the members present.

  • To consider and adopt Annual Report on the activities and working of the Federation which will be present in the Annual General Body meeting by the General Secretary.

  • To consider and adopt audited statements of Income & Expenditure and balance sheet of the year under review duly approved by the Executive Committee.

  • To approve the budget for the following year.

  • To lay down the general policy for the guidance of the Executive Committee.

  • To elect members of the Central Executive Committee, other than Zonal Presidents who shall be elected by the branches in accordance with clause 9.1(C).

  • To add or amend any provision of rules and regulations as may be necessary with the consent of 2/3rd majority of the members present in the annual general body meeting.

  • To pass such resolutions which are considered necessary in the interest of the Federation after they are approved by the Executive Committee which will be held earlier.

  • To delegate any of its functions to the Executive Committee or General Council.

  • To appoint Auditor or Chartered Accountant for audit purposes and to nominate internal Auditor.


For the purposes of election of all Office Bearers in the General Body meeting the procedure shall be as follows:-

  • The Zonal Presidents who have been elected in terms of 9.1(C)no further election is required.

  • As regards other Office Bearers mentioned in Clause 10.1 a proposal for every post could be made by any Delegate present in the meeting and seconded by any Delegate.

  • The Executive Committee which is representing all the Zones and is conversant with the working of the individuals in the field will recommend names of the persons for each post which may be formally proposed and seconded.
    This however, does not preclude any members present in the meeting from proposing names for the posts duly seconded.

  • In case more than one name is proposed for any post, election will be by show of hands. The decision will be by majority.

  • The president will preside over the proceedings all through including the election item in the agenda.

  • The newly elected body will take charge immediately after the election is over. The actual handing over and taking over may be completed within a month.

  • The General Council shall comprise the following in addition to the Office Bearers and Executive Committee members of Federation headquarters.
    • All elected Zonal Presidents as per 9.1(c) and nominated Zonal Secretaries as per (16.2).
    • All elected Divisional Secretaries as per 9.1 (b) Divisional Presidents.
    • Agenda prepared for the meeting shall be through notice circulated to the members 30 days before the date of meeting notifying the date, time and venue of the meeting.
    • If at the time fixed for the meeting quorum is not complete, the meeting shall stand adjourned for half an hour and thereafter the meeting will be proceeded with the same agenda at the same place.
    • Decision in the meeting shall be taken by the simple majority or the votes of the members present.

  • For this purpose, in advance of the Federation elections at the Annual General meeting once in three years, meeting of all Office bearers of all affiliated associations/branches in a devision shall be held to elect the Divisional Secretary/Divisional President of the Division (where there are not less than four affiliate associations).

  • Similarly a meeting of the office bearers of affiliate associations in a zone, including the elected Divisional Secretaries/Divl. Presidents shall be held in advance of the A.G.M. elections (once in three years) presided over by the Zonal President in which the Zonal President shall be elected in the Zones where there are not less than ten affiliate associations.

  • To consider and adopt the statements of accounts viz., Receipts & Payments, Income & Expenditure and Balance Sheet for the year, when the General Body meeting is not held.

  • To approve the Budget for the following year.

  • To consider any other organizational matters and representations of pensioners.

  • The Executive Committee consists of not more than 38 members as under:
    • President - One
    • Working Presidents - Four (One each for North East and West)
    • Zonal Presidents - Sixteen (elected by Zonal Council)
    • General Secretary - One
    • Joint General Secretary - One (to be nominated by President, at Delhi) with H.Qrs. at Delhi
    • Treasurer - One
    • Assistant Secretaries - Four
    • Office Secretary - One (to be nominated by President)
    • Editor, Federation News - One
    Executive Committee Members at the rate of one for every twenty affiliated associations in zone.

  • Member of the Executive Committee will normally hold office for a period of three years. They will be eligible for re-election which shall take place once in three years.

  • The quorum of the Executive Committee shall be 13 “or” one third of the strength, whichever is less”

  • One meeting of the Executive Committee will be held each year on any day preceding of the General Council meeting where the General Council will be held. However, if necessary special meeting of the Executive Committee may be held with the consent of the President on representation by at least fifteen members.

  • Interim vacancies in the Executive Committee may be filled up by the Presidient on recommendation by the Zonal Council.

  • To implement decisions of the General Body/General Council.

  • To incur expenditure as per Budget approved by the General Body/General Council.

  • To appoint staff on payment as may be necessary.

  • To suggest ways and means to the General Body for the improvement of financial position of the Federation.

  • To co-opt not more than three members for administrative reasons.

  • To take decisions on any disciplinary matter including that of action against erring branches in terms of clause 6 B.

  • To accept resignation of any member of the Federation or Executive Committee.

  • Any other work entrusted by the General Body/General Council as well as by the President.

  • To waive the rules of affiliation, where the representation is considered inadequate.

  • To open new Branches where there are more than 50 members.

  • The President shall preside over all meetings.

  • He shall exercise directional and administrative authority overall the office bearers.

  • He shall handle all correspondence with the affiliate associations, Central & State Officials and V.I.P.S.

  • Working President and Zonal President shall exercise similar powers of the Presidents in Zones to promote co-ordination among branches in the area with a view to develop better relations and co-ordination amongst the members under their jurisdiction.

  • He shall carry out the Executive work of the Federation under the guidance of the President.

  • He shall be in complete charge of the working of the office of the Federation.

  • He shall implement policies laid down by the General Body and the Executive Committee.

  • He shall supervise and guide the affiliated Associations from time to time.

  • He shall prepare periodical reviews of the activities of the Federation and put up before the Executive Committee meeting and the General Body Meeting.

  • He may hold an imprest cash of Rs.1,000/-.


To assist the General Secretary in all his duties and undertake tours, if necessary on instructions from the President and General Secretary to propagate the policies of the Federation and maintain co-ordination in various zones.

  • He shall be responsible for all matters connected with receipts & expenditure of the Federation.

  • He shall prepare statements of Income & Expenditure, Budget, Balance Sheet and other relevant schedules to place before the General Body/General Council and Executive Committee.

  • He shall get the accounts and balance sheets duly audited by the local chartered accountant and submit the same to the Charity Commissioner concerned.

  • He will operate Bank account jointly with the President or General Secretary.

  • Any other duties entrusted by the President.

  • To help and assist the Zonal and Divisional Office Bearers in their respective Zonal jurisdiction.

  • To attend the Zonal, Divisional and Branch meetings in their respective Zones and extend their cooperation and guidance.

  • The expenses of the Executive Committee Members will be borne by the branch to which he belongs.


A Zonal Pensioners Council may be constituted comprising as per Zonal conditions.

  • Zonal President and other Central Office Bearers and the Executive Committee members of H.Qrs. representing the Zone.

  • Where there are more than ten affiliates in the Zone, the Zonal Secretary may be nominated by the Zonal President, with the approval of the Central Executive Committee.

  • All the elected Divisional Secretaries in the zone.

  • Chairman/President and the Secretaries of all affiliated associations in the zone.

  • The Zonal President will preside over the meetings of the Zonal Council.

  • The Zonal Council may meet once a year or as and when necessary to discuss matters arising out of the day to day functioning or to deal with any problem or representations concerning the welfare of the Pensioners.

  • To guide and assist in the formation and functioning of affiliated associations and the Zonal and Divisional Secretaries.

  • To endeavor for regular payment of affiliation fees to the H.Qrs. by the associations.

  • To lead and participate in meetings with general Managers and other zonal Officers, particularly of Pension Adalat in their respective zones.

  • To co-ordinate the meetings of the Divisional and Branch Office bearers in their jurisdiction.

  • To guide in the preparation of agenda for discussion with Zonal Administration and to participate in the discussions.

  • To maintain files for correspondence and for discussion in meetings and also for various circulars from Railways and from Federation H.Qrs.

  • To endeavors for regular payment of affiliation fees to the H.Qrs. by the associations.

  • To maintain regular contact with the branch functioning in their jurisdiction and extend guidance and help of necessary.

  • To guide the branches in the submission of agenda to the divisional administration and participate in the discussions, including Pension Adalat.

  • To endeavor for regular payment of affiliation fees to the H.Qrs by the associations.


The financial receipts of the Federation shall comprise:

  • Affiliation fees received from branch Associations.

  • Subscriptions and advertisements fees or grants received for the Federation News Magazine, which have to be shown in a separate account together with expenditure incurred for the magazine.

  • Special contribution from branch associations.

  • All Donations.

  • Other receipts such as Bank Interest on Federation investment etc.

  • Other miscellaneous receipts.


All affiliated associations shall make annual contributions as may be decided by the Zonal Council each to respective Zonal President to be shared with the Zonal Secretary to meet expenses for organizational activities including meetings with Railway Administration and Federation meetings.

  • All affiliated associations shall make contributions as may be decided by the respective divisional units to meet expenses for organizational work including meetings with Railway Administration and Federation.

  • The AIRRF H.Qrs shall make contributions to the Zonal Presidents and divisional Secretaries to help them financially to the extent of not more than ten percent of their receipts from the branch at the end of the year.


It is necessary to have on hand some fund as a security at credit of Federation initially Branches will contribute one time affiliation fees as Donation and Headquarters will contribute 1/10 amount of affiliation fees collected every year (add at the end after the same exceeds Rs.50,000)


The Federation may be dissolved by the vote of 2/3rd total members, who are present in a specially called general body meeting for the purpose. The assets and liabilities will be transferred to more useful organization which either exist or may have to be formed to serve the best interest of the Railway retirees.


Any point not covered by these rules shall be decided by the General Body. The above Rules & Regulations have been approved and accepted by the Members of the Federation who were present in General Body meeting held on 11th and 12th November, 2005 at Secunderabad and confirmed in the General Body meeting held at Kharagpur on 18th and 19th November, 2006.

(Framed by the Working Committee and confirmed by the General Body)

1. Administration: The General Administration of the branch shall vest in the Branch Committee consisting of 10 Office Bearers:
  • (a) One Branch Chairman.

  • (b) One Working Chairman.

  • (c) 3 Vice-Chairman.

  • (d) One Branch Secretary.

  • (e) Three Assistant Secretaries including one Assistant Secretary for looking after the office work.

  • (f) One Treasurer.

2. Functions of the Branch Secretary:

He shall arrange the Branch Committee Meetings in consultation with the Chairman of the branch normally once a month or oftener; if necessary. On the requisition from one third (1/3rd) members of the Committee, he shall convene a special meeting of the Branch Committee within a week.

Three days notice shall ordinarily be given for ordinary meeting and a day’s notice for emergency meetings business to be transacted shall be specified in the notice.

3. Quorum for the Branch Committee meetings shall be one-third of the total strength of the Branch Committee.

4. (i) Any member of the branch Committee absenting himself for three consecutive meetings should be asked to explain for the absence and the Branch Committee shall be empowered to allow him to continue in the Branch Committee on satisfactory grounds or replace him by any other member of the Sangh by cooption.

(ii) Interim vacancies of Branch office bearers and Branch Executive Committee Members will be filled by co-option.

5. He shall place before the Branch Committee all correspondence that took place between (i) the Administration and the Central Office or the Branch Office (ii) the Central Office and the Branch Office and (iii) any other important letters of matters of interest.

6. He shall carry out the decisions of the Branch Committee from time to time. His duties shall be to attend to all correspondence, maintaining minutes keeping and maintaining books and registers and generally to look and manage the office.

7. He shall have powers to appoint, supervise control and dismiss his own paid staff, if any.

8. He shall have ordinarily no powers to certify payments for items other than stipulated in the approved monthly budgeted amount without the previous sanction of the Branch Committee. He shall however have an imprest cash not exceeding Rs.25 (Rupees Twenty five) on hand meet emergent unforeseen expenses. In all cases where money is spent from this imprest cash the Branch Committee’s approval should be obtained at the next meeting. All moneys received by the Secretary shall be deposited in the Bank in the Branch account.

9. He shall submit all statements and returns to the Central Office as required.

A register containing the name of all the members of the branch shall be maintained in the Branch Office. It shall be kept open for inspection by any member during office hours, provided such member gives seven days’ prior notice of his intention to do so to the Branch Secretary.

10. He shall at the close of the year prepare the Annual Report of the Branch to be presented at the Branch Annual General Body Meeting with assistance of the Branch Treasurer.

11. He shall submit to the General Secretary a copy of the minutes of each meeting of the Branch General Body as well as the minutes of the monthly Branch Committee Meetings in full.

12. If the Branch Secretary fails to submit the accounts consecutively for three months. The General Secretary shall take suitable action against the Branch including suspension of the Branch.

13. Branch Treasurer:

The Branch Treasurer shall deposit all monies in the name of the AIRRF Branch in any schedule Bank or Post Office Savings Bank and grant receipts and be responsible for all moneys received by him. The Bank account shall be operated upon jointly by any two; i.e. 1) President; 2) Secretary; 3) Treasurer.

14. The Treasurer shall make payments on the authority of the voucher certified by the Branch Secretary for all items of expenditure within the scope of the approved monthly budget of the Branch. He shall keep on hand not more than Rs.25 (Twenty five rupees) for contingent expenses.

15. The Treasurer shall prepare the Annual Budget in consultation with the Branch Secretary for passing in the Branch Annual General Body Meeting and all items of expenditure shall be within the scope of the approved budget. A copy of the approved yearly budget of the Branch is to be sent to the Central Office for scrutiny and approval.

16. The Treasurer shall maintain the accounts of the Branch and submit the monthly statements of accounts and membership to the Branch Committee without fail.

17. The Treasurer shall at the close of the year prepare annual statements of accounts and balance sheet for audit and presentation to the Branch General Body meeting.

18. Branch Meetings:

The Branch Committee should, invariably, have the following items in the Agenda besides other items.

  • (a) Ratification of the minutes of the previous meeting.

  • (b) Review of the progress of the Branch and membership and also representations. Programmes of the membership drive for the succeeding month.

  • (c) Passing of the monthly accounts of the Branch with regular vouchers.

If the Branch Secretaries fails to observe the above procedure continuously for three months they are liable for disciplinary action by the AIRRF/H.Qrs. Office.

19.(a) The Divisional Secretary shall call for Divisional Committee Meeting once in a quarter as usual for often if necessary. The Divisional Committee consists of the Branch Chairman and Secretary. The Divisional Committee shall be normally presided over by the Divisional President and when any Central Office Bearer is present they can also preside. In the absence of the Chairman or Secretary the Secretary can nominate in their place the Working Chairman or one of the Assistant Secretaries to represent the branch on the Divisional Committees.

20. Arrangements for conducting elections shall be made by the Branch Committee from time to time in accordance with the standing orders and the decisions of the Working Committee in force.

21. Branch General Body shall meet at least once a year after the close of the official year to dispose of the following:-

  • (a) Adoption of audited statements of accounts and Annual Report of the Branch Secretary.

  • (b) Election of Branch Office-bearers and Council members once in two years.

  • (c) Resolutions.

22. Removal of Office Bearers and Members Branch Committee:

When it is considered that any one is guilty prejudicial to the interests of the Branch, the Committee after discussing the facts that may the explanation of the person concerned on a sheet setting forth the charges and the Branch may resolve by a three-fourth majority members present to suspend such a person after during his explanation. He may prefer an appeal ONE MONTH to the Working Committee.

23. The Branch shall have no powers to member from the Branch, but may recommend General Council. Similarly the branch may refrairting membership of any persons considered unable, as per the Branch’s Constitution.

All India Retired Railwaymen's Federation(AIRRF)

Headquarters office:
Block No.370/4, 
Railway colony, Chilkalguda
Telangana, India - 500 025.