SAVIOUR of Railway Pensioners late Sri Y. N. Sastry Former President/AIRRF

A multifaceted personality with a zeal for Pensioners' welfare and Social, Cultural, Sports activities. Above all, a Trade Union Leader and freedom-fighter with leadership talent. A leader of conviction, devotion to duty and determination combined with high degree of knowledge and vast experience. He lived for 92 years - born on 18"' Sept, 1930 and ended his life journey peacefully on 24" Sept 2021.

He was honored and awarded as "Saviour of Pensioners” for his relentless services to the Pensioners, Family Pensioners and Secondary Family Pensioners. He was the instrumental in getting the Secondary Family Pension for the widowed daughter/ daughter-in-law and also handicapped children and strived for the cause of pensioners for decades together.

Shri Y. N. Sastry was a Freedom Fighter, who fought for the freedom of our Motherland. He studied at Hindu College, Guntur and showed a keen interest in Games, Sports, Cultural activities and stood as Best Student Leader.

He joined Railways in 1951 and retired in 1988, after serving in South Central Railway for 37 years as ASM, SM, Instructor / Chief Instructor in ZTS/ Moula Ali, Section Controller, Dy. Chief Controller and Chief Controller.

During one of the Conferences, the then Hon’b1e Prime of India Shri Ata1 Bihari Vajpayee, had addressed the gathering invited by Shri Y. N. Sastry as President of All India Station Masters and Assistant Station Masters Association.

Since 1974, as Secretary to Railway Colony High School, Chilkalguda, he had shouldered the responsibility of managing its affairs which continued till his last breath. Under his guidance, a drama troop banner of “Sai Kala Sravanti” and organized many cultural events in South Central Railway and other places.

On his retirement in 1988, he devoted himself to the welfare of the pensioners under the banner of Central Government Pensioners Association at Chilkalguda and achieved many a goals viz. granting of Family Pension, Secondary Family Pension, RHLHS, issue of Complimentary passes etc.

He was liked by all the categories of Pensioners, Family Pensioners of all the Zonal Railways and his efforts were very much appreciated all over the country and by the Railway officials. He joined the All India Retired Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRRF) in 1988 and became its President in 2004, which has 330 Branches in 17 Railway Zones. It has been a non-rotating member of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) under the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare for a long time.

Shri Y. N. Sastry maintained good relationship with administration and other sister organizations. As a consequence, the AIRRF branches have been allotted accommodation in many Railway Stations and strived for recognition by Railway Board to be an official liaison between Railway Pensioners and Railway Administration.

His vision and Mission for Pensioners and Senior Citizens:
  • Adequate food, water, shelter, clothing and health care through the provision of income, family and community support and self-help.

  • Opportunity to work or to have access to other income generating opportunities.

  • Seniors to remain integrated in society and participate actively in the formulation of policies which effect their well being.

  • Access to health care to help them maintain the optimum levels of physical, mental and emotional well being.

  • Able to pursue opportunities for the full development of their potential and have access to educational, cultural, spiritual and recreational resources available in the Society.

  • Able to live in dignity and security and should be free from exploitation and mental and physical abuse.

Hence, a memorial trust in the name of “Y N SASTRY MEMORIAL TRUST“ has been launched 17.12.2021 on the eve of 39th All India Pensioners Day celebrations being held at Rail Nilayam Auditorium. Shri Ganjanan Mallya, General Manager / South Central Railway has launched the Trust.

This event has been graced by Shri S Venugopal Chari, Former Union Minister and Special Representative of Govt. of Telangana/New Delhi, Shri Dasyam Vinay Bhasker, Hon'ble MLA (Warangal West), Shri Ravjiv Kishore, Pr. Chief Personnel Officer, South Central Railway and Dr. Ch.Sanakara Rao, General Secretary, South Central Railway Mazdoor Union & Treasurer, All India Railwaymen’s Federation as Distinguished Guests.

All India Retired Railwaymen's Federation(AIRRF)

Headquarters office:
Block No.370/4, 
Railway colony, Chilkalguda
Telangana, India - 500 025.